You can help the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum fulfill its’ mission to develop leaders, motivate and educate attendees, provide an open exchange of ideas, and support programs and goals of Lions Clubs International. There are two different levels available to become a Friend of the Forum. Individual Lions, for the sum of $150.00, and Lions Couples, Lions Clubs, Lions Districts or Lions Multiple Districts can support this fantastic event for $250.00. Whether you are planning on attending or cannot attend but believe in the event enough to still be a part of it. For your donation, the donor will receive the following benefits:
- If attending the Forum, you will receive a special ribbon to attach to your name badge acknowledging your support.
- The name of the Donor will appear on a special page inside the official event program under “Friends of the Forum”.
- “Friends of the Forum”, will have their names shown during one of the four general sessions via slides during the meal.
- Like our corporate sponsors, “Friends of the Forum” will be recognized on the Forum website and in one special show promotion piece sent to over 60,000 Lions across Constitutional Area 1 and Constitutional Area 2.
Name | Multiple/Single District |
Gary & Cheryl Anderson | 11 |
Dayl & Linda Baile | 16 |
Thelma Batilo & Chris Heiny | 4 |
BJ & Carolyn Blankenship | 12 |
John Braisted & Evelyn Springer | 38 |
Wendy Cain | 12 |
Rodger Cameron | 27 |
Paul & Cindi Carr | 26 |
Winster Ceballos | 16 |
Lori Chassee | 1 |
Marilyn Chilvers | 38 |
Kent & Barbara Christensen | 4 |
Kathryn Chung | 50 |
Cliff Cooper & Dahleen Kendler | 46 |
Dave & Clare Crawford | 12 |
Linda & Ian Deming | 41 |
Debbie Doty | 9 |
Geri Drabek | 5 |
Reed & Janet Fish | 25 |
Jeffrey & Ellyn Gans | 16 |
Cindy & Tom Gregg | 14 |
Laurie & Jesse Guillory | 8 |
Mike & Mavis Hall | 38 |
Randy & Kathy Heitmann | 38 |
Wayne Hinerman | 38 |
Erica & Mitchell Janice | 8 |
Larry & Rachel Johnson | 29 |
Ken & Ardie Klemish | 9 |
Yves Leveille | U |
Robert & Kathy Littlefield | 35 |
Barbara Lombardi | 23 |
Douglas Long | 14 |
Nancy Oehler Love | 9 |
Richard Mallon | A |
Dr. Mark & Debbie Mansell | 19 |
Woody Mathews | 2 |
Janalee McClure | 11 |
Nancy Messmer | 19 |
Steve & LeeAnn Middlemiss | 44 |
Joyce & Martin Middleton | 33 |
Mari Morimoto | 20 |
Chris & Lee Morris | 50 |
Jimmy & Michelle Myers | 31 |
Verona Payne | A |
Darrell & Helen Person | 24 |
James Purton | 24 |
Jason Reineke | 38 |
Fred & Lorri Rieger | 20 |
Armando Rodriguez & Hector Silva | 51 |
Brian & Lori Sheehan | 5M |
Steve & MaryEllen Sherer | 13 |
Stewart Sherman-Kahn | 105CW |
Kembra Smith | 18 |
Robert Sorenson | 38 |
Richard & Jean Sware | 14 |
Mitch Tam | 50 |
Jonathan & Sandy VanTol | 11 |
Bud & Jama Wahl | 1 |
Debra & Steve Wasserman | 5M |
Debbie & Ron Weaverling | 17 |
Stan Weitzman & Sharon Mendelson | 4 |
Jessica Wentworth | 38 |
David & Valerie Wentworth | 38 |
AJ & Aimee Westlund | 13 |
Phyllis Wiggins | 27 |
John Youney & Karol Kish Youney | 41 |
Stu Young | 105CW |
Tyler & Diane Bray | C |
Gemma Ferguson | 40 |
Brad Baker | 7 |
Polly Voon | 19 |
Jay & Nancy Moughon |
Bill & Vickie Phillipi MD 17