Leo/Young Lions Day

Under Construction for rENO

Dear Leos and Young  Lions,
Welcome to the 2023 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in rENO, nEVADA. Throughout the event, Young Lions and Leos will have access to the Forum’s regularly scheduled programming. Most notably, there will be seminars geared towards young people on several themes, including specialty clubs, networking, and leadership
In addition to the Forum’s schedule, there will be a special Leo and Young Lions program starting on Friday, September 10. We will also have a booth in the Exhibitors Hall throughout the Forum (Thursday-Saturday) for Leos and Young Lions to learn more about youth opportunities within the Lions, as well as connect with their peers.
Please find below a provisional schedule for the Leos and Young Lions program. A more detailed version of the schedule will be released later on. For Leos, the registration rate is $50 for the Saturday only and $150 for the entire Forum until August 31 (increasing by $25 on September 1).
Leos and Young Lions Program
Friday, September 15th
7:00pm-10:00pm: Leo and Young Lions Combined Social Night
Saturday, September 16th
8:30am-9:30am: Room open for Leos, Young Lions, and Leo Advisors to network
9:30am-11:25am: Opening Session
Welcome, Overview of the Day, Icebreakers, Special Guest, and Opening Keynote on the Leo and Young Lion Service Journey
11:25am-2:00pm: Lunch
2:00pm-3:10pm: Service Project
3:30pm-4:40pm: Choice
• Option 1: Breakout Rooms
An opportunity for Lions and Leos to interact and network, as well as discuss opportunities and challenges that young people face within the Lions
• Option 2: Other sessions of the attendee’s choice
5:00pm-5:30pm: Brief overview of youth opportunities within the Lions and Closing Remarks


Want to attend the entire Forum September 9th-11th?  The special Leo rate of $150 includes full access to all Forum functions & meals and will increase to $175 after September 1st.
Make sure you sign up for The usa/CANADA lEO LEADERSHIP FORUM. leosforum.org


Contact registrar@lionsforum.org to take advantage of the special Leo rate.
For more information on Leo Day, contact Leo-Lion Kyle Boutilier at kyle.e.boutilier@gmail.com

* Leo Day fee increases to $75 on 9/1/2021