Event Information:
Welcome to the 43rd Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. Our tentative scheduling follows previous scheduling with past Forums. Please remember, times and schedules are subject to change as final preparations are in progress. Please note we have expanded our seminars with special guest speakers. You will soon see a complete schedule of seminars including updates of our Strides Walk and hands-on project. Follow us on our web page, Facebook page and email updates. We will keep you informed and thank you for being a part of the Forum in Spokane, WA.
Wednesday, 9/18/19
8:00AM-7:00PM Registration Distribution
10:00AM-5:00PM Pin Trading
Thursday, 9/19/19
7:00AM-3:00PM Registration Opens Convention Center / Hotels
8:00AM-5:00PM Forum Office Opens
8:00AM-5:00PM Exhibits Open
8:00AM- 8:30AM Forum Store Open for Special Needs
8:00AM-5:00PM Pin Trading
8:30AM-12:00PM Forum Store Opens for All
11:30AM-2:00PM Strides Walk Around the Park
2:00PM-4:30PM Forum Store Open
2:00PM-5:00PM Seminars
3:30PM-4:40PM Lions University Graduation
6:00PM-8:45PM Opening Event Celebration / Dinner
Friday 9/20/19
8:00AM-12:00PM Forum Office Open
8:00AM-5:00PM Exhibits Open
8:00AM-11:00AM Forum Store Open
8:00AM-5:00PM Pin Trading
8:30AM-11:10AM Seminars
11:30AM-1:40PM Friday Luncheon / Keynote
2:00PM-5:00PM Forum Store Open
2:00PM-4:40PM Seminars
Saturday 9/21/19
8:00AM-3:00PM Forum Office Open
8:00AM-3:00PM Exhibits Open
8:00AM-11:00AM Forum Store Open
8:00AM-5:00PM Pin Trading
8:30AM-11:10AM Seminars
11:30AM-1:40PM Saturday Luncheon / Keynote
2:00PM-3:00PM Forum Store Open
2:00PM-4:40PM Seminars
6:00PM-8:45PM Closing Event / Dinner
Speakers — Copy
Thursday Evening Opening Banquet
High Street Show Band
This “full of brass band” will get you feeling good with a bevy of memories from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more. We guarantee, you’ll be dancing in the aisle. High energy and classic entertainment for great leaders like you!
Friday Lunch
Sherre’ DeMao
Sherre’ DeMao is founder, CEO and Strategy Maestro of BizGrowth Inc., a national award-winning firm specializing in next-level, next-idea solutions for entrepreneurial enterprises. She is an expert in helping entrepreneurs, executives, and individuals prosper in life and in business, dedicating her 30-year career to this purpose.
Presentation title: Every moment is worth celebrating. Every day a blessing. Every year is an adventure. Life’s amazing!

Saturday Lunch
Dr. Jung-Yul Choi
President Elect of Lions Clubs International’s has been a member if the Busan Jae-il Lions Club since 1977. President Elect Choi has held many offices within the association including Club President, Cabinet Secretary, District Governor and International Director.
He also served numerous times as a DGE Group Leader and served on 11 committees as a member of the International Board of Directors. In addition, he was chairperson of the 39th OSEAL Forum in 2000 and a host committee chairperson at the 95th Lions International Convention in Busan in 2012, the largest convention ever held in Lions history.
Presentation title: TBD
Saturday Evening
Joshua Allison
Josh is the Founder and Chief Ideator for ThinkCafe’, a consulting company committed to solutions for the new workplace. He has spoken and worked with organizations from Hawaii to New York and 25 states in between. Josh is a thought leader on a mission to help fix the broken in work and non-profits. A passionate speaker and trainer, he specializes in workplace leadership and engagement.
A trendy brand is not enough.. You will hear Josh share a blueprint for creating relevant relationships with teens and young adults.
Katherine Greenland
Katherine Greenland is Founder and Principal at Greenland Consulting LLC, a consulting agency dedicated to synergistic solutions for a world in transition. She speaks internationally on topics of inclusion & diversity, millennial mindset, women’s empowerment and transformational leadership. A cultural innovator and inclusion strategist, Katherine activates organizations and empowers communities.
PRESENTATION TITLE Millennial Mindset: 5 Strategies To Captivate the Younger Generation
Michelle Ray
Back by popular demand, her keynote address in Columbus has led Michelle back to the Forum with seminars in Spokane… Harness the power of personal leadership… Your personal attitude impacts the purpose of creating a better leader in you.. More to follow.
Rachelle Strawther
Topic of workshop: Leading Without Authority: How to motivate and guide volunteers who don’t have to say ‘yes’
In her full-time role as Director of Leadership Training and Development for Gonzaga University’s School of Leadership Studies, Rachelle Strawther designs and leads executive leadership programs on topics such as emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, innovation, and interpersonal communication. An engaging, humorous and candid speaker, Rachelle has presented interactive presentations for many organizations