USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum appreciates and relies on the contributions of volunteers to help in the operations in different parts to run smoothly. We are asking for volunteers in help. Fill out form or download form and we will contact you. Volunteer Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are you registered for the Forum? *Name *Address *City *State/Prov: *Zip/Postal Code: *Home Phone *Needed for communication during Forum: Cell PhoneEmail *Club:District:Please check avability to volunteer and preferences for jobs. You can do more than on Job. NOTE:** Seated Jobs# Must be Registered for ForumPre-Forum (Some jobs may be required until 5pm Thursday)Monday, Sept 12Tuesday, Sept 13Wednesday, Sept 14AvailabityAirport GreeterPrepare Hospitality BasketWelcome Center GreeterHost Committee Office SetupRV Park GreeterForum Store #Pin Trader Greeter #Peace Poster Display SetupGoody Bag StuffingRegistration (at Hotel) **Anywhere/ As Needed #Registration (at Convention Center) **ForumThurday, Sept 15Friday, Sept 16Saturday, Sept 17Jobs:On-Call Drivers for VIPs ++Registration (at Convention Center) ** #Bus Greeter (Arrive/Leave)Update Seminar Signs #Meal- Display Table Signs #Seminar Greeter and Runner #Meal - Ticket Taker #Seminar Evaluation Data Entry **Meal - Seat Availability #Photographer (Digital Camera) #Host Committee Officer WorkersHotel Transportation Liaison (at Hotel)Host Committee Booth (sell Pins. etc) #Host Committee Office Take-DownHallway Greeter/Traffic ControlHost Committee Office Take-DownAnnouncement Kiosk/ Lost & Found **#Anywhere/As Needed #Forum Store Workers #Strides WalkCommentsIt is recommended that Volunteers register for the Forum to be able to participate in the learning seminars and special activities. Volunteers serving at the airport, hotels and other off-site locations may not need to register. If not sure – Ask. All Volunteers will need to check-in at the Forum HOST Committee Office in the Convention Center to receive final directions, assignment(s) information, Volunteer vest, etc. Please wear Lions attire – shirts, vests, caps, etc. PLEASE SHARE THIS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION WITH ALL LIONS. "WE SERVE"PLEASE SHARE THIS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION WITH ALL LIONS.CommentSubmit